In Modern Islam, law, i.e., Shari’a, is explained and interpreted based on high human ideals, which are the essence of the religion of Islam. These ideals include rationality, justice, freedom, mercy, chivalry, tolerance, empathy, ethics, human dignity, spirituality, peace, rule of law, human rights, and attaining high moral states. To derive Shari’a law, in addition to the Scripture and Tradition, independent reason is applied to ensure that such a body of law is compatible with human nature and rationality. |
In Modern Islam, the Glorious Qur’an, as the Word of God and the Final Testament, is considered the most important source of law. Nonetheless, its interpretation should be onsistent with reason, human nature, invariant findings of science, and the absolutely authentic narrations from the infallible Imams, which are confirmed by rationality, justice and other mentioned human values. |
In Modern Islam, narrations, which meet the criteria of authenticity from the point of view the Principles of Jurisprudence, the Science of the Narrators of the Tradition, and the Science of Interpreting Narration, can be referenced as long as they are consistent with the general spirit of Islam encompassing rationality, justice, human rights, human dignity, and others mentioned human high values. In the event of a contradiction between a narrated hadeeth and principal human values, principles of reason, and Devine human nature, it will be determined that such a hadeeth does not meet the main condition which is required for its validity, the reason being that the infallible Imam’s words should never contradict human nature, justice, rationality, and other sacred Devine and human values. |

Interview about peace in the world.
Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab's
interview with "New Delhi Times"
about peace. |

Islam - The Fastest Growing Religion
Islam: The world's fastest growing
religion and the world's second-largest
religion. |

Interview with PRI Radio
Interview of PRI Radio in America with
Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab. |
Book of "Modern Islam" in Farsi
This book has been published in Farsi
and will be translated in English.
Modern Islam in Farsi |

Islam in Religious Dialogue
The Worldwide Leader of Sikhism and
the head of Golden Temple (Mr. Giani
Gurbachan Singh) with Grand Ayatollah
Hosseini Nassab. |

Lecture in Worldwide Peace Festival
Speech of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab
in the Worldwide Peace Festival in Seoul,
Korea.  |

Islam in Religious Dialogue
Malkhaz Songhulashvili, archbishop of the
Evangelical-Baptist Churches in Georgia
with Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab. |

Why Islam is Fastest Growing Religion
Why Muslims are the fastest growing
religious group in the world? |

Interview with WeeklyTribune
Interview of "The Weeklytribune" with
Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab. |

Religious Dialogue
The Worldwide leader of Alavis in Albania
Edmond Hajji Baba Mondi with Grand
Ayatollah Hosseini Massab |

Lecture in International Seminar
Speech of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab
in International Religions Peace Seminar in
Seoul, Korea.  |
© The office of Grand Ayatollah Seyed Reza Hosseini Nassab
